Why choose a rainwater storage tank?

Flexible rainwater tanks offer a robust, durable and easy-to-install solution for collecting and storing rainwater. Unlike rigid cisterns, they adapt easily to different spaces, even the most confined.

Our Labaronne-Citaf rainwater harvesting tanks are made of resistant materials, including tried-and-tested technical fabrics, to withstand the elements and guarantee optimum conservation of the harvested water.

Advantages of rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting offers numerous ecological and economic advantages. By using it for irrigation, watering, fire-fighting, cleaning and sanitary purposes, you're helping to preserve natural resources.

1. An economical solution: reduce your water bill by using stored rainwater

2. An ecological solution: limit the use of drinking water when it's not necessary, and use spring or ground water.

3. A practical solution: quick and easy installation, especially with the flexible cistern, allowing you to have water at your disposal in times of water shortage.


How to use the flexible rainwater tank?

During periods of drought, governments may impose restrictions on water consumption. Having a rainwater storage solution at your disposal at such times, such as a flexible cistern, can become an alternative for continuing your activities without constraint. A rainwater storage tank allows you to have a reserve of water available when restrictions no longer allow for normal use.

Outside periods of drought, having a rainwater reserve for your business means you can limit your consumption of treated water or groundwater throughout the year, and only call on this resource when necessary.

How to size your system?

Determine your water recovery capacity according to :

1. Your available floor space

2. Your available roof surface

3. Rainfall in your region

4. The volume of water you need on a daily basis

This will enable you to size your system precisely, for efficient use of rainwater.

What type of installation is needed for rainwater harvesting?

The most common way to store rainwater is to collect it from the roofs of your buildings or greenhouses, via the gutters connected to your cistern.

It's also possible to recover rainwater by placing the flexible cistern at the bottom of a slope. Recovery can be achieved via a catchment point located higher up and a regulating manhole equipped with an overflow to prevent overfilling.

It can also be achieved by installing a tarpaulin upstream, allowing the cistern to be filled by runoff, via a connection to the filling valve.

At Labaronne-Citaf, we are trained in rainwater harvesting, whatever your installation or project. Our teams recently received technical and regulatory training from a QualiPluie® expert.

For more information on setting up a flexible rainwater tank, contact our teams via this form! Our experts will help you find the best solution.

Choose a rainwater harvesting cistern today, and take a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle.