Recycling flexible tanks
Flexible tanks play an essential role in liquid management, whether for agriculture, local authorities or industry. They enable the storage of water, fertilizers or other liquids, offering a [..]
Read moreA flexible tank for a REUSE project – Nice
The effects of climate change and the challenges of resilience are prompting local authorities to consider ways of better preserving and optimizing our use of water resources. Treated [..]
Read moreFlexible rainwater tanks: Optimize your resources!
Rainwater harvesting has become an essential practice for the sustainable management of water resources. With a flexible rainwater cistern, you can not only help preserve the environment, but [..]
Read more2024 satisfaction survey
Here's a quick look at the satisfaction survey we carried out at the beginning of the year among all our French customers in 2023, who had purchased a flexible tank or another Labaronne-Citaf [..]
Read moreTeam for the planet: We’re joining the movement!
Since December 2023, we've been part of the "Team for the planet" coalition! An approach for the planet, which today brings together hundreds of corporate donors to fight global warming.
Read moreRainwater Harvesting on an Agricultural Holding
In France, 16% of the volume of water withdrawn each year is destined for the agricultural sector. In cattle farming, the main use is for watering the animals. How much water does your herd [..]
Read moreGroundwater: an invisible resource
On the occasion of World Water Day 2022, which will focus on the subject, Labaronne-Citaf explains what groundwater is, how it is formed and why it is important to adapt our global water [..]
Read more3 solutions to optimize your water uses
Coping with water scarcity and depletion: 3 solutions to optimize your water usage.
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